1.It used to be that if a bank had a large client in one area, it would not take on another that was a direct competitor.
2.As the world's biggest PC maker HP has been a close ally of Microsoft, but will now find itself a direct competitor in software.
3.Football clubs are also unlike most other businesses in that they cannot be sold to a direct competitor.
4.This scenario is a more traditional model to replace Windows - with a direct competitor, instead of creating a web-based replacement.
5.Often the motivation is to disrupt a company's overseas expansion on behalf of a direct competitor.
6.Ford fears it could be handing over that technology to a company that is expected to become a direct competitor in Europe and North America.
7.Then the article carries out marketing strategy in accordance with analysis on the Corolla car direct competitor.
8.Votorantim, a direct competitor to Aracruz, recently acquired 28% of the voting capital of Aracruz.
9.When the flag LIVE 07 shots to become a direct competitor moves NBA 2K7 a huge selling point when, EA also hopes to do so.
10.Variation of 40: Instead of claiming him back, they will sell him off in mid- loan to a direct competitor of yours.